Therapy Austin
Couples Counseling
Work with a counselor!

Couples Counseling

AT Therapy Austin

Perhaps your relationship is on the rocks and has been for what feels like an eternity. Or, maybe your relationship feels pretty solid, but you’ve been hit by a crisis and are looking for the guidance of a professional. Or, things may feel flat and distant and you’re not sure how to bridge the abyss and desire a tune-up. There is a natural apprehension of what might happen if we face our issues head-on. Because of that, couples often put it off a long time, allowing discord, disconnection and disagreements to get worse and worse.

Whatever the reason, whichever season, no matter the length or structure of your partnership, we are here to help by providing a fresh, impartial outlook in an encouraging and safe space to explore the challenges you are facing.

Services ranges from $110 to $175 per session.

Need more information? Check out our FAQ page.

Want help finding a great counselor? Call us at (512) 201-4501 ext. 1 or share your contact info here.

Therapy Austin can help you with ...

Adoption and infertility
Family and in-law discord
Cohabitation strains
Premarital counseling
Shared role identification
Unified work and life balance

Meet Our Couples Counselors

Do you find yourself feeling stuck with no way out? Does it seem like everybody, except for you, is happy? Do the ways you have related to others in the past no longer seem to work? If so, there is hope. The fact you are here, reading these lines, means you are ready to find new ways of relating and open to embracing the resulting change. 

My name is ...

Oksana Fiialo
Oksana Fiialo, LPC Associate
READ MORE from Oksana
Maria is awesome with couples!

Ready to Reach Out?